General Writing Instruction 

  1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Urban Sociology are original works that have novelty and significant impact on the development of science (sociology).
  2. The manuscript has never been published or is not being submitted for publication in other journals.
  3. Manuscripts in the form of research paper (field and literature studies), theoretical or methodological studies, and policy studies or social phenomena.
  4. Manuscripts are written in Indonesia or English, 5000 words minimum and 8000 words maximum. Excluding bibliographies and footnotes. The font is times new roman 12 pt with 1.5 space
  5. The manuscript accompanied by an abstract in Indonesia and English with 150 words minimum and 200 words maximum. Keywords contain 3-5 words.
  6. Manuscripts must be sent to the Open Journal System (OJS) management at or sent by email as attachment in doc or docx format to with the subject JUS_Name Author_Title including contact numbers and correspondence address.
  7. Editors have the right to edit articles without changing the substance.
  8. The manuscript will be reviewed by a Bebestari partner who are competence in their field to assess the feasibility of the manuscript.
  9. By publishing in this journal, the author submits the full copyright of the articles (abstracts, tables, images, illustrations) to the editor of the Journal of Urban Sociology, Sociology Study Program, FISIP UWKS, including the right to republish it in various forms of media

 General Writing Structure

  1. Title. Title of the article cannot exceed 15 words. Title is typed in bold with centered in 14 pts.
  2. Author. The Name of the author is written without any academic degree, followed by the name of author’s institution, located under the title of the article. In case manuscript written by team, the editor is only in contact with the main author or the first mentioned author. The main author must include his/her correspondence address or e-mail.
  3. Abstract. The abstract and key words must be written in two languages (in Bahasa Indonesia and English). The length of each abstract is around 150 -200 words, while the limit of key words is 3-5 words. The abstract, at the least, must contain the aim, method and result of the research.
  4. Content. Systematics of  research article are: title; the author's name (without academic degree); abstract that contains the objectives, methods, and research result; keywords; Introduction (with title) which contains the background, a little review of the literature, and research purposes; methods; the results; discussion; conclusions and suggestions; references (contain the references of the source).
  5. References. References and citations are using the American Psychological Association (APA styles). If the references is written as a direct quotation, it would be better if the page of the source book is included. For example: (Storey, 2003:20). We strongly recommended to use a tools (ex: mendeley, endnote, zotero, etc) for making a references. The list of Reference (bibliography) should be sorted alphabetically and chronologically. The example of references style based on the acquired sources is as follow:
  • Book (Storey, John. (2003). Teori Budaya dan Budaya Pop. Yogyakarta: CV QalamYogyakarta).
  • Translated Book (Severin, W. J. &Tankard, J.W.Jr. (2005). Teori komunikasi: Metode dan terapan di dalam media massa (5th ed.). (S. Harianto, Terjemahan). Jakarta: Kencana).
  • Journal Article (Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 50 (2), 49-52).
  • Thesis, Dissertations, Research Report (Adie, Sarah Fellas Rose. (2017). Gaya Hidup Penggemar Budaya Pop Korea di Surabaya. Skripsi S1 Tidak diterbitkan. Surabaya: UWKS).
  • Internet/Web (Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour Modivication. Diakses pada 5 Februari 2009, dari

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